New Feature

New: Invoicing and Reporting

September 9, 2020

With the help of feedback from our publisher users, we’ve been hard at work developing new features with the goal of creating an end to end ad management system for student media. With that goal in mind, we’re excited to announce the release of two exciting new features in your flytedesk account - invoicing and billing reports. 


You can now create custom invoices right in your flytedesk account. Our new invoicing features include:

Generate Invoices

Create invoice documents directly in your flytedesk account, with complete flexibility to add ads to invoices in whichever way you want - monthly, per individual ads, per entire campaign, or however else your customers prefer to be invoiced. You can customize all invoice info, including payment terms, issue date, due date, pricing, and invoice notes.

Track Payment

Record payments you receive on your invoices, including information about the payment date, payment method, and any additional notes. Track whether a customer is overdue on payment, and by how much.

Customer Invoice Info

Store information about how your customers should be invoiced. This includes information about preferred payment schedule (i.e. prepay monthly, postpay monthly, prepay entire campaign, etc.) and default payment terms.

More Credit Card Options

Generate a payment link for an invoice that you can send to your customer. They can view all invoice details and will have the option to enter credit card information to be charged for the amount due.

Billing Reporting

We’ve also added more ways to visualize your sales and invoice data with our new billing reporting features. From the new reporting page, you can create three types of reports:

Accounts Receivable Aging

The first tab you'll see is the Accounts Receivable Aging report, which shows the balance of unpaid invoices and how long they have been overdue. This report can be formatted as a summary, which shows a list of customers and their outstanding balance, or as a detailed report. The detailed view breaks down outstanding balances as they relate to specific invoices, rather than the customer as a whole.

Sales Summary

The Sales Summary report shows total sales, both in terms of number of ads and dollar amount, and can be completely customized to fit your needs. For example, you could use this report to see total sales by product this year compared to last year, or total sales by customer grouped by local vs. non-profit.

Transaction Report

The final tab on your reports page is the Transaction Report, which shows all of the sales and payments going through your flytedesk account. With the transaction report you can view transaction details and group those transactions according to those details as well.